Cara Mengatasi Mouse Lag Saat Bermain Game Di

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Jika kamu merasakan mouse lag saat memainkan game favorit kamu di Windows 8.1, berikut ini adalah cara untuk mengatasinya. Kali ini Jaka sudah menyediakan tips agar kamu tetap bisa bermain game online dengan stabil dan lancar, penasaran caranya? Yuk, simak cara mengatasi lag saat bermain game online di PC.

There are many shortcuts in osu! that can be utilized while in-game or while idle at any screen.
They are listed out with their functions below.

Note: some of these keys can be changed in the options!
However, the list below presents the default keys.


These shortcuts work anywhere:

  • Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S: Reload current skin
    • If playing or at the results screen, this will queue the command to be executed after returning to song selection.
  • Ctrl + F11: Toggle frame times
  • F7: Toggle frame rate limiter
    • Pressing this will cycle through 120fps, 240fps, and Unlimited (gameplay) but not enable VSync.
  • F8: Toggle chat window
  • F9: Toggle extended chat window
  • F10: Toggle all mouse buttons (except for mouse wheel)
  • F12: Take a screenshot
  • Shift + F12: Take a screenshot and upload to the server for sharing
  • Insert: (Boss Key) Minimize the osu!client into the notification area
  • Shift + F1: Open osu!status (when connection error appears)

Main Menu

  • Alt + F4: Close the osu!client (no prompt or dialog)
  • Alt + Enter: Toggle fullscreen mode
  • Arrow Up: Increase volume
  • Arrow Down: Decrease volume
  • Esc: Go back one menu
    • Close options, if open
    • Go back to main menu, if in play menu
  • P: Play menu
  • P, then P: Solo
    • alias: E, then P, then P
  • P, then M: Multi
    • alias: E, then P, then M
  • P, then E: Edit mode
  • D: osu!direct (osu!supporters only)
  • O: Options
    • alias: Ctrl + O
  • Q: Display exit dialog
    • alias: Esc, when the options and play menu are closed


  • Z: Previous song
    • alias: F1
  • X: Play from start
    • alias: F2
  • C: Toggle pause
  • F4: Stop playing and reset duration to 0
  • V: Next song
    • alias: F5
  • J: Jump To
    • alias: F6
  • R: Random song

Song Select

Note: Not all of these work in the multi mode's song select screen.

  • Alt + Arrow Up: Increase volume
  • Alt + Arrow Down: Decrease volume
  • F1: Mod selection menu
  • F2: Randomly select a map
  • Shift + F2: Undo random map selection
  • F3: Beatmap options
  • F5: Reprocess beatmaps (may display a dialog)
  • Shift + Delete: Delete selected map
  • Ctrl + 1: Switch to osu!
  • Ctrl + 2: Switch to osu!taiko
  • Ctrl + 3: Switch to osu!catch
  • Ctrl + 4: Switch to osu!mania
  • Ctrl + Enter: Play current map with Auto mod
  • Ctrl + Shift + Enter: Play current map with Cinema mod
  • Ctrl + A: Toggle Auto mod
  • Ctrl + F3: Increase osu!mania speed (only in osu!mania mode)
    • alias: Ctrl + +
  • Ctrl + F4: Decrease osu!mania speed (only in osu!mania mode)
    • alias: Ctrl + -
  • Ctrl + Backspace: Delete last word (when using search)
  • Up: Move selector one beatmap up
  • Down: Move selector one beatmap down
  • Left: Change selected beatmapset one up
  • Right: Change selected beatmapset one down
  • Page Up: Scroll up
  • Page Down: Scroll down
  • Enter: Select selection or play selection
  • Shift + Left Arrow: Change selected group one up
  • Shift + Right Arrow: Change selected group one down
  • Shift + Enter: Toggle selected group

Game Modifiers


Main page: Game Modifiers


  • The key references below assumes that none of the mods are selected.

  • Some mods may require the player to press the key twice.

  • Q: Easy

  • W: No Fail

  • E: Half Time

  • A: Hard Rock
  • S: Sudden Death
  • S, then S: Perfect
  • D: Double Time
  • D, then D: Nightcore
  • F: Hidden (osu!standard, osu!taiko, and osu!catch)
    • this will toggle Fade In for osu!mania
  • F, then F: Hidden (osu!mania only)
  • G: Flashlight
  • X: Relax
  • C: Auto Pilot
  • V: Spun Out
  • B: Auto
  • B, then B: Cinema
  • 3: 3K (osu!mania only)
  • 4: 4K (osu!mania only)
  • 5: 5K (osu!mania only)
  • 6: 6K (osu!mania only)
  • 7: 7K (osu!mania only)
  • 8: 8K (osu!mania only)
  • 9: 9K (osu!mania only)

Play Mode

  • + or -: Adjust local offset (hold Alt to change the precision)
  • Esc: Pause song (or quit if Auto or Cinema mod is used)
  • Space: Skip opening cut-scene
  • Tab: Toggle scoreboard
  • Shift + Tab: Toggle in-game interface
  • H: Toggle scoreboard and replay interface (only available when watching a replay or spectator stream)
  • F3 or F4: Adjust speed for osu!mania (only works near the beginning of playing)
  • Ctrl + R or ` (hold briefly): Quick retry the current map (autoskips the intro upon retry)

Beatmap Editor

Main page: Beatmap Editor

Choose the tab Local Files and click Browse Local Files to open explorer right to it. Otherwise, right-click Payday 2 in Steam and select Properties. Payday 2 dlc unlocker script. If you know where your SteamApps are, then go to SteamApps/common/PAYDAY 2/.


These shortcuts work anywhere within the beatmap editor:

  • Z: Jump to first note or start of song.
  • V: Jump to last note or end of song.
  • X: Play from start
  • C or Space: Pause/Resume
  • Left Arrow or Right Arrow: Skip through the song
  • Up Arrow or Down Arrow: Skip between timing points
  • Shift + Left Arrow or Shift + Right Arrow: Skip through the song at 4x speed
  • Ctrl + B: Add bookmark at current location
  • Ctrl + Shift + B: Remove bookmark at current location
  • Ctrl + Left Arrow: Jump to previous bookmark
  • Ctrl + Right Arrow: Jump to next bookmark
  • Ctrl + L: Revert to saved (partial). Reloads .osu and .osb files.
  • Ctrl + Shift + L: Revert to saved (full). Reloads other files like hitsounds and skin elements in addition to the .osu and .osb.
  • Ctrl + Shift + O: Opens Difficulty Selection window.
  • Ctrl + S: Quick save
  • Ctrl + N: Remove all notes (but keep timing/song setup)
  • Ctrl + Down Arrow: Lower playback speed by 25%
  • Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow: Lower playback speed by 5%
  • Ctrl + Up: Raise playback speed by 25%
  • Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow: Raise playback speed by 5%
  • F1: Switch to compose mode
  • F2: Switch to design mode
  • F3: Switch to timing mode
  • F4: Open the song setup (opens a dialog)
  • F5: Enter test mode.
  • F6: Open the timing setup panel.



  • Ctrl + Z: Undo
  • Ctrl + Y: Redo
  • Ctrl + A: Select all notes
  • Ctrl + X: Cut selection
  • Ctrl + C: Copy selection
  • Ctrl + V: Paste selection
  • Ctrl + D: Clone the selection (places cloned selection 1 measure after last selected object)
  • Delete: Remove selected notes
  • 1, 2, 3, or 4: Switch between placement/selection mode (Select, Circle, Slider, Spinner)
  • Ctrl + Alt + Mouse Wheel Up: Change placement/selection mode (upwards)
  • Ctrl + Alt + Mouse Wheel Down: Change placement/selection mode (downwards)
  • Ctrl + Shift + A : Open AiMod

Playfield Settings

  • Alt: Temporarily toggle Distance Snap while held
  • Y: Toggle Distance Snap
  • Shift: Temporarily toggle grid snap while held.
  • T: Toggle Grid Snap
  • G: Cycle through grid precision
  • Ctrl + 1: Use tiny grid size
  • Ctrl + 2: Use small grid size
  • Ctrl + 3: Use medium grid size
  • Ctrl + 4: Use large grid size
  • L: Lock all notes.

Object Manipulation

  • Q: Toggle New Combo
  • Ctrl + ,: Rotate 90 degrees anticlockwise
  • Ctrl + .: Rotate 90 degrees clockwise
  • Ctrl + H: Flip horizontally
  • Ctrl + J: Flip vertically
  • Ctrl + G: Reverse selection
  • Ctrl + Shift + R: Rotate selected note(s) by a specified angle (opens a dialog)
  • Ctrl + Shift + S: Scale selected note(s) by a specified amount (opens a dialog)
  • Ctrl + Shift + D: Generate polygons with a specificied number of points (opens a dialog)
  • Ctrl + Shift + F: Convert slider to stream (opens a dialog)
  • Ctrl + Left Arrow: Move selected notes left by 1 grid snap
  • Ctrl + Right Arrow: Move selected notes right by 1 grid snap
  • Ctrl + Left Arrow, Right Arrow (in mania edit mode): Move selected objects left or right one column
  • Ctrl + Up Arrow: Move selected notes up by 1 grid snap
  • Ctrl + Down Arrow: Move selected notes down by 1 grid snap
  • Ctrl + Up Arrow, Down Arrow (in mania edit mode): Move selected objects up or down one tick in time
  • Shift + Ctrl + Left Arrow: Move selected notes left by 1 coordinate
  • Shift + Ctrl + Up Arrow: Move selected notes up by 1 coordinate
  • Shift + Ctrl + Down Arrow: Move selected notes down by 1 coordinate
  • Shift + Ctrl + Right Arrow: Move selected notes right by 1 coordinate


  • W: Add Whistle addition to selected object(s)
  • E: Add Finish addition to selected object(s)
  • R: Add Clap addition to selected object(s)
  • Shift + Q, W, E, R: Change sampleset for the selected object to Auto, Normal, Soft, or Drum respectively
  • Ctrl + Q, W, E, R: Change addition set for the selected object to Auto, Normal, Soft, or Drum respectively
  • Ctrl + Shift + I: Opens sample import window.


  • Shift + 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8: Change Beat Snap Divisor to 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/6, and 1/8 respectively (1, 2, and 3 do not work in osu!mania edit mode)
  • Shift while placing (timeline): Ignore grid and beat (time) snapping
  • J: Nudge circle backwards in time
  • K: Nudge circle forwards in time
  • L: Lock all notes.


  • I: Open Sprite library overlay.
  • Ctrl + Z: Undo
  • Ctrl + Y: Redo
  • Ctrl + X: Cut selected layer
  • Ctrl + C: Copy selected layer
  • Ctrl + V: Paste layer at current time (Note: pasted layers will not show on the right layer list until the map is saved and reloaded)
  • Delete: Delete selected layer
  • W, A, S, D: Move selected layer up, left, down, or right one osu!pixel

Cara Mengatasi Mouse Lag Saat Bermain Game Di Laptop


  • T: Tap the BPM/offset
    • You will need to tap at a constant rate.
  • Shift while adjusting BPM/offset: 4x speed
  • Ctrl + B: Reset current timing point
  • Ctrl + P: Add uninherited timing point at current time.
  • Ctrl + Shift + P: Add inherited timing point at current time (Opens Timing Setup window)
  • Ctrl + I: Delete current timing section. Will not work on first uninherited timing point

Mouse Controls

  • Left Click: Place normal hit circles, start a slider or add a new point to a slider being placed. Select circles
  • Ctrl + Left Click: Add new point to existing slider
  • Right Click: Toggle new combo, end a slider placement, or removes a point, or deletes an object (only when in selection mode)
  • Mouse Wheel Up: Seek forwards
  • Shift + Mouse Wheel Up: Seek forwards at 4x
  • Mouse Wheel Down: Seek backwards
  • Shift + Mouse Wheel Down: Seek backwards at 4x
  • Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Up: Increase/decrease the snap divisor
  • Alt + Mouse Wheel Up: Increase/decrease the alt-snapping distance multiplier while in playfield. Change timeline zoom while in timeline
  • Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Down: Decrease the snap divisor
  • Alt + Mouse Wheel Down: Decrease the alt-snapping distance multiplier while in playfield. Change timeline zoom while in timeline
  • Dragging: Moving selections of notes (position and time), moving points in a slider. Dragging the end of sliders or spinners on the timeline to extend them
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