Grubinst_gui.exe Can`t Run Background Program

Posted on by admin

In linux you can use command& to run command on the background, the same will continue after the shell is offline. I was wondering is there something like that for windows…


Hi jaclaz, do whatever you like with that program. It's 100% my work and free to use/copy for everybody. It does not contain the grubinst.exe. It executes it from the same directory (or somewhere on the search path) using the '--mbr-disable-floppy' option. 2015-1-1  Im trying to improve a bit grubinst.exe and grubinst_gui.exe. Improving grubinst and grubinst_gui in Windows and Linux. Can't run the background program. Run a command without making me wait. You can run a program in the background using &. For example, if you wanted to run yum install XyZ for example.

3 Answers

I'm assuming what you want to do is run a command without an interface (possibly automatically?). On windows there are a number of options for what you are looking for:

  • Best: write your program as a windows service. These will start when no one logs into the server. They let you select the user account (which can be different than your own) and they will restart if they fail. These run all the time so you can automate tasks at specific times or on a regular schedule from within them. For more information on how to write a windows service you can read a tutorial online such as (

  • Better: Start the command and hide the window. Assuming the command is a DOS command you can use a VB or C# script for this. See here for more information. An example is:

    You are still going to have to start the command manually or write a task to start the command. This is one of the biggest down falls of this strategy.

  • Worst: Start the command using the startup folder. This runs when a user logs into the computer

Hope that helps some!


I believe the command you are looking for is start /b *command*

For unix, nohup represents 'no hangup', which is slightly different than a background job (which would be *command* &. I believe that the above command should be similar to a background job for windows.


You should also take a look at the at command in Windows. It will launch a program at a certain time in the background which works in this case.

Another option is to use the nssm service manager software. This will wrap whatever command you are running as a windows service.


nssm isn't very good. You should instead look at WinSW project.

Nicholas DiPiazzaNicholas DiPiazza

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This question already has an answer here:

  • Running programs in the background from terminal 9 answers

I am running my Python program from my Ubuntu machine as follows -

But if I close my Ubuntu terminal, then my whole program will get stopped.. Is there any way of running this python program in the background and if I close my terminal then still it keeps on running?

And also after running this program in the background, how do I find out my actual program whether it is still running or not if I am logging back again to that terminal?


marked as duplicate by Seth, Alvar, Avinash Raj, don.joey, FlimmDec 28 '13 at 22:43

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

2 Answers

Temple Run Background

Use the shebang line in your python script. Make it executable using the command,

Use no hangup to run a program in background even if you close your terminal.

Do not forget to use & to put it in background.

To see the process again, use in terminal,


python &

Grubinst_gui.exe Can`t Run Background Program

Will run the file in the background.

In order to find the running program you can use ps -e to list all running programs. You can use grep to find your particular program from the list.

Linux Run Background


Color Run Background

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