How To Install Paros Proxy In Ubuntu

Posted on by admin

Squid is a popular proxy and caching server application. It primarily serves as a forward proxy, but can also be used as a reverse proxy. Squid provides many features and is often used on enterprise-level networks.

  1. Paros Proxy Scanner
  2. Paros Proxy Server
  3. How To Install Paros Proxy In Ubuntu 16.04

This tutorial will show you how to setup a simple HTTP proxy with authentication using Squid. Steps listed in this tutorial were tested on Ubuntu 15.04 and 15.10.

WARNING: You must be very careful when creating proxies. Hackers frequently scan the public internet for open proxies use them for malicious activities. Most hosting companies will suspend your instances if you receive too many complaints, so ensure that you use sufficient authentication, such as a strong password.

Sep 6, 2013 - Paros is a”Java based HTTP/HTTPS proxy for assessing web. There is currently no package for Paros in the Ubuntu repositories so I had to.

This tutorial assumes that you are using a freshly created VPS with no installed packages.

Paros Proxy Scanner


First, ensure that the apt-get package library is up-to-date by running the command below. This will ensure that the latest packages have been installed.

Once this has completed, it is time to install the squid application and htpasswd. Run the following command using sudo to install both packages.

After the Squid install completes, I suggest that you create a copy of the original config file created during the install as it is a helpful reference and allows you to rollback any changes.

Next, create the files needed by Squid to store the credentials of the proxy accounts.


Open the squid config file for editing using a text editor, such as nano.

Add the following lines to the file so that authenticated users can connect to the proxy.

In addition, to hide the IP of the person connecting to the proxy from being shown in HTTP headers, add the following lines under the ones above.

Your Squid config file should now look something like this:

Save and close the file.

To create users on your proxy, execute the following command, replacing youruser with your desired user name. It will request the password twice.

Paros Proxy Server

You may create additional users in the same manner.

How To Install Paros Proxy In Ubuntu 16.04

Restart the Squid service.

Using your proxy

Now that Squid is setup, you can use it as a forwarding proxy. Configure the 'internet settings' of your web browser to use your proxy, including the user name and password that you generated earlier. To verify that the proxy is working, visit an IP address detection site, like this one.

Upon success, you will notice a Vultr IP address being reported. Here is a screenshot from my demo server:

I'm looking for a good and famous web debugging proxy that can logs all HTTP(S) traffic. Like a fiddler for Windows. I found that it doesn't work on Ubuntu.

So is there any one for Ubuntu?

Alex MalexAlex Malex

8 Answers

NetTool is a developer tool for monitoring and manipulating application-level network messages, particularly useful for debugging web applications and web services. There are two components to NetTool: the HTTP Client, and the TCP Tunnel.1

Paros is for web application security assessment. It is free of charge and completely written in Java. Through Paros's proxy nature, all HTTP and HTTPS data between server and client, including cookies and form fields, can be intercepted and modified.2




Fiddler is now available for linux and Mac through its Mono port. All instructions available here

Nazar GargolNazar Gargol

You can try Charles Proxy.

I've been using it a while and it works well.


I find Burp Suite really handy. It is not Open Source but it is written in Java (works everywhere) and it has free edition. Supports HTTPS.


NetTool is one the best tools as Suggested by Mitch

You should also try out Webscarab. WebScarab is a framework for analysing applications that communicate using the HTTP and HTTPS protocols.


I used the free tool wire shark. Good alternative!

Markus CohenMarkus Cohen

I'm wondering why nobody mentioned good old LiveHTTPHeaders, which is a browser addon available for Firefox and Chrome.It allows you to view and modify http headers.


Betwixt - based on Chrome DevTools interface

Drivers, Windows 7, 32-bit*, Latest, 10/2/2009. Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator Driver for Windows* 7 64 (exe). This downloads and installs. Results 1 - 20 - File size: 1 211 KB OS: Win XP, Win Vista, Windows 7, Windows 150. Upload source: original install. Esonic g31 motherboard audio driver for. Esonic g31 motherboard drivers windows 7. Driver/VGA, 61242676 MB, win 7, Download. Driver/VGA, 07348633 MB, win 2k/xp, Download. 81X, Driver/VGA. Sep 28, 2017 - Downloads for Intel Desktop Board D9. GPMBIOS Update NT9. 6ABIOSThis download record provides four options for updating the BIOS. Esonic-g31-motherboard-vga-driver-for-windows-7: esonic g31 motherboard vga driver for windows 7.


Some additional options located on StackOverflow.

2 revs
Jonathan Hult

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