Cubase Asio Directx Full Duplex Driver

Posted on by admin
Hey, i would greatly appreciate help with this. I just got a new computer to record, and i've been fighting with this for 4 days. Even after alot of research, and finding many people with a similar problem, i still havent found the solution.
I installed Cubase 5, and i get this message, that alot of people seem to get, but i still havent been able to get a clear answer on the solution.
'ASIO Direct Sound Full Duplex Driver
Impossible to record audio because Audio Input is not active. Open the ASIO DirectX Sound Full Duplex Setup Dialog. Make sure that a device is selected in the Input Ports section and that it's check box is activated.'
Now, i admit, i'm not good with computers. For one, i'm not even sure what a driver is. And i dont know how to open that Setup Dialog they talk about.
I havent recorded in a few years, finally getting bac into it, and i was extremely excited about it all until this happened. I dont ever remember having this problem when i used earlier version of Cubase. If someone could walk me through this, i would be eternally grateful.
Cubase Asio Directx Full Duplex Driver

Steinberg Produkte werden von. On the right side select the ASIO driver of your installed. The default setting for Cubase is the 'DirectX Full Duplex Driver'. Ffserver windows binary download. Related to my previous post. This old/default driver is installed by some applications, and it crashes for me on win 10 64 Can anyone confirm? It crashes when trying to clear the buffers // clear the channels that &hellip.

Cubase Asio Driver

We are currently having a few issues in our Music department where we are getting an error message as soon as Cubase loads saying the following error message.
'Impossible to record audio because the audio input is not active. Open the Asio full duplex driver setup dialogue, Make sure that a device is selected in the input section and that its check box is activated.
I work as an ICT Technician and am not at all familiar with this software. Our music department are somewhat technophobes, and their knoweledge again is very limited.
We havn't got any fancy soundcards on these machines, we are currently using the onboard sound, and our system is RM CC4
This error message seems to be displayed on quite a few machines, and then once the keys on the midi keyboard are pressed, no sound can be heard.
We are using M-Audio Keystation 49e midi keyboards.
Any help in rectifying this error would be greatly appreciated.