Jaspersoft Studio Query Parameter Not Found

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  1. Jaspersoft Studio Query Parameter Not Found
  2. Query Parameter Google Analytics

Jun 4, 2006 - Jasper Reports is unable to call Oracle stored procedures directly, because. This particular query would not need to be done with a stored procedure. By passing parameter within a function and it is not working for me.

Forza motorsport 5 cars. '<'jasperReport xmlns='http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xsi:schemaLocation='http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/xsd/jasperreport.xsd' name='productsExport' pageWidth='595' pageHeight='842' columnWidth='555' leftMargin='20' rightMargin='20' topMargin='20' bottomMargin='20' uuid='b6f96e0c-32ea-431c-b1db-cf8582bb9a6f'>


1 Answer

Jaspersoft studio documentation

Although it's not very detailed info, I think you have an error when try to compile (preview) your report in Jaspersoft Studio / iReport which sais: 'Field not found: desrciption ---- net.sf (blabla)'

Very simple to fix: It only occurs( for as far as I know) when you have a reference in your report (example a Text Field) to a field from the Dataset (SQL query or manual field) that isn't there anymore.Probably a new query, updated the fields and the field 'Description' dissappeared.

How to solve:

  • Remove the reference (Text Field probably) in your report with '$F{description}. OR
  • Update Dataset (SQL Query) so that if has the field 'description' as a result OR
  • (Ugly, not usefull but working): Add the field manually
Gert OussorenGert Oussoren

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I'm trying to write a query for my application, but I'm having some troubles. I need to pass as a parameter one field of my database, like:

Because WHERE clause and ORDER BY clause are dynamic for the user to select.

Using $P{} it didn't work.

Ricardo AbbariRicardo Abbari

2 Answers

Hp laserjet m1120 mfp driver windows server 2008 r2. There are two syntax expressions for parameter referencing in JasperReports: $P{} and $P!{}.

  • $P{paramName} syntax is using mostly for setting WHERE input parameters values. The replacement algorithm is 'smart', its implementation uses java.sql.PreparedStatement: for java.lang.String parameter the engine will replace $P{parameterName} with quoted value, for java.lang.Integer - with numeric value and so on.

The sample:

Original expression (to replace):

The result will be:

Jaspersoft Studio Query Parameter Not Found

  • $P!{paramName} syntax is using mostly for doing the 'simple' replace.

The sample:

Original expression (to replace):

Android vnc viewer source code download. The result will be:

For more information you can read this Using report parameters post and look at this Query sample.

In your case the right expression may be like this:

where $P{key} is a java.lang.String parameter


or like this (it depends on $P!{clause} value)

Query Parameter Google Analytics

where $P{key} is a java.lang.String parameter

Alex KAlex K
Singha BoonhongSingha Boonhong

Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged sqljasper-reportsparameter-passing or ask your own question.