How To Install Myanmar Font On Sony Xperia Z1

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Zawgyi Myanmar Fonts Free app will install 10+ new free fonts on your Galaxy phone that are compatible with the your Samasung Galaxy. This font pack.

I want to change the default font style on Sony xperia M without rooting my phone. How do I do this?


2 Answers

Here's a link that covers some methods for changing the system font on some android phones without root, I don't know if it works on your phone as well:


You will find many answer for your question.But here is the simplest way which is I have used.

  1. Root your Xperia M (Use towelroot,Root checker,SuperSu)
  2. Install iFont.(Other apps may not able to change font.Your phone will just rebooted)
  3. It will reboot your phone.
  4. And Here it is your font will be seen changed.
Pratik PatilPratik Patil

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29 March 2015New Post you may be interested – Zawgyi font for Lollipop

Finally, I have to setup zawgyi font and keyboard in android phone myself. In my earlier time, my friends’d done that for me. Thanks to them. 😀

Well, the following is the useful link that you can install zawgyi font and keyboard. I’d successfully done in my Samsung Ace 2. I hope it will be ok for you too. Try that.

How To Install Myanmar Font For Window 10



– Use Zawgyi-One Flipfont if you using galaxy devices. It has 8 font pack Zawgyi-One
It means you can choose font that you want. I like “Myanmar + Iphone” font from this.

Installation instruction — Setting > Display > Font Style > Zawgyi One TTF

Then you still need to install Myanmar Keyboard to type after font installation, choose one of the following as you like

How To Install Myanmar Font On Sony Xperia Z1 Without Root

1) Bagan Keyboard Pro


2) MMKeyboard for Android (New product from Technomation)
This keyboard can transform Myanengilsh to Myanmar 😀

Installation instruction — Setting > Language and input > Tick your keyboard > Select “Default” to desire keyboard

3) FrozenKeyboard for Android


The last update from Google Play Store if you can access – Frozen Keyboard Pro

How to install myanmar font for window 10

* For those phones still didn’t support Zawgyi yet, use :1st Myanmar Browser*

How to install myanmar font in sony xperia z

For S4 and Note 3 user –

P.S – Special thanks to original Creators 😀
#Update Log:
25.2.2013 – Add about MMkeyboard and installation instruction
17.5.2013 – Add about Zawgyi-One Flipfont
23.9.2013 – Add about 1st Myanmar Browser
26.9.2013 – Add link for S4 and Note 3 users
29.9.2013 – Add about Bagan Keyboard Pro

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